Help Communities Facing the Largest Natural Disaster in Hawaii’s History

Help Communities Facing the Largest Natural Disaster in Hawaii’s History image


raised towards $10,000 goal




Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Donate and Help Stop Hunger in Maui

The Wildfires on Maui have caused massive evacuations and loss of life. The fires were fueled by a combination of strong winds and drought conditions on the islands.

Hundreds of homes and businesses are destroyed across several island communities. Also, hospitals are overwhelmed, treating numerous patients for burn injuries. A number of Hawaiian homes are homesteading sites, disrupting not only safe housing, but also subsistence and agricultural lifestyles. Hawaiian households are often multi-generational, with some homes comprised of many families sharing a single habitat. This community will be struggling to sustain their basic needs for quite some time, therefore the Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation will be donating $10,000 to the Hawaii Food Bank to support emergency food aid relief in Maui.

“Ohana” is a Hawaiian word for family and the whole community effort has been in the spirit of Ohana. You can help the Maui community and work with the Stop Hunger Foundation by making a financial contribution by August 30, 2023. This site is open to accept donations not only from Sodexo employees, but also family, friends and colleagues. Please share the link so we can maximize our contributions.

Together we can do our part to bring hope to a community who has suffered insurmountable loss.

If you have any questions for the Stop Hunger team, please contact us at or