Supporting Stop Hunger - A Great New Year’s Resolution

Need for Food is Skyrocketing - 40% of Food Bank Recipients/Clients are Utilizing Services for First Time

Supporting Stop Hunger - A Great New Year’s Resolution image


raised towards $5,000 goal



Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Need for Food is Skyrocketing - 40% of Food Bank Recipients/Clients are Utilizing Services for First Time

Donate $1 A Week To Help Stop Hunger

When the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve, we left behind another year and wiped the slate clean. Each of us began looking forward to 2022 with renewed inspiration to eat better, exercise more or get more organized. Unfortunately, for many people who struggle with food insecurity, they have carried this challenge into the new year. Hunger will remain a problem in 2022. The Sodexo Stop Hunger Foundation is committed to supporting local communities, families and children so they can enjoy a prosperous year filled with nourished bellies and renewed hope.

Please help us Resolve To End Hunger! By donating $1.00 each week or $52.00 this year, you can help provide the equivalent of 208 meals to someone in need. This simple act of goodness can go a long way, especially if you get others involved!


Hunger is a story we can end. Together we can be the solution.

Thank you for supporting Stop Hunger!