South Central Region (Whitmire) Schools Segment

South Central Region (Whitmire) Schools Segment's Fundraiser

We can help people struggling with food insecurity to eat more plant-rich foods and live healthier lives. image

We can help people struggling with food insecurity to eat more plant-rich foods and live healthier lives.

Join our team and help make a difference. Please give today and support this effort with your schools, team members and communities.


$700 towards $1,000

During April and May, Sodexo and the Stop Hunger Foundation are celebrating Servathon, Sodexo's largest global Stop Hunger event, where employees around the world join forces, engage their teams, and fight hunger in their local communities. Throughout the US, we are continuing to see an average increase of over 55% more people visiting food banks than before the pandemic, so it is more important than ever to give.Although many of us are unable to gather in large groups, WE CAN STILL MAKE A BIG IMPACT. The South-Central Region of Sodexo Schools under the leadership of Deb Whitmire, VP, has created our own team to support this fantastic cause.We are passionate about helping people, especially students, who are struggling with food insecurity to eat more plant-rich foods and live healthier lives. So, what does all this mean?

We are asking every single member of the South-Central Region of the Schools Segment to please do two things…

  • Donate a monetary amount online. You decide how much, but just know that even a small amount can do so much. CLICK the orange DONATE button to the right.
  • If possible, given the current possible restrictions, hold a food drive in your schools/communities. There are tons of tips on how to run this event successfully in the Servathon Toolkit, which can be found by CLICKING HERE. Just be sure to report in all your volunteer work hours, the amount of foods you collect and any special things that happen during this Servathon. Take tons of pictures too, as we love to see what you are doing in the field to make a difference.

We want to reach 100% of our monetary goal of $1000 from our team and 100% participation in this endeavor by having every single team member on the Whitmire Team give something. This region is known for ALWAYS reaching their goals and often being the first to accomplish huge tasks.Let’s make sure the plan to fully support this worthy cause is no different. Join the South-Central Region of the Schools Segment in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference!